Did you know that dyslexia can affect anyone, even those with above-average intelligence? While reading may require more effort on their part, it’s completely possible for someone with this disorder to excel in their chosen field.

However, it’s important to identify the specific type of dyslexia an individual has so they can receive the best possible intervention style. They all involve difficulty with reading and sounding out letters and words. This can negatively impact their learning capabilities and requires special attention.

Here’s everything you need to know about one of the most common types, dysphonetic dyslexia.

What is Dysphonetic Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a disorder in which children have difficulty reading. They may struggle to read at a good pace and can often make mistakes in comprehension.

In particular, dysphonetic dyslexia refers to difficulties remembering letter sounds and analyzing individual sounds. They may also have problems putting together words in their speech.

It’s important to differentiate dyslexia from other issues such as developmental reading disorders. These refer to other factors affecting a person’s ability to read at their grade levels, such as ADHD, poor vision, or problems with their fine motor skills.

For example, a child that has not been fitted with corrective lenses may struggle to see the words on the page or the front board. As such, they could easily fall behind in reading until they perform an eye exam.

Meanwhile, a person with dyslexia could have perfect vision and still fail to understand the words they see. Their brain may even create incorrect substitutions to make up for their lack of understanding.

Different Types of Dyslexia

It’s also important to know the different types of dyslexia and how they differ from one another. Not every dyslexic individual struggles with the same exact things. As such, they require targeted treatments and therapies to help them cope.

Phonological dyslexia is the most well-known one. Individuals with this type struggle to match sounds with written letters and words.

There’s also rapid naming dyslexia, in which a person struggles to rapidly name colors, numbers, and letters. This directly affects reading and processing speeds.

Double deficit dyslexia affects both reading speed and weak phonological awareness. Those with surface dyslexia may fail to recognize familiar words on sight. And visual dyslexia negatively affects a child’s ability to remember words they’ve seen on a page.

Common Dyslexia Symptoms

Dyslexia presents itself in varying ways depending on the type a person has, how much treatment they have received, and their age.

Before they start school, a young child may present certain symptoms such as late talking, learning new words slowly, and having difficulty saying these words. These could easily be mistaken for a speech disorder when they are in fact signs of dyslexia.

It’s easier to diagnose dyslexia once your child is in school and is expected to read on a daily basis. They may struggle to read at their age level and have problems understanding the content. As a result, it’s not uncommon for them to avoid reading activities or volunteering for class assignments.

As an adult, dyslexia is often seen through the mispronunciation of words and continued difficulty reading. If they haven’t received the necessary help in grade school, then they may avoid reading altogether. Even something as simple as trouble learning new languages can be a sign of dyslexia.

Causes of Dyslexia

What exactly causes dyslexia in children, anyway? After all, symptoms can be spotted as early as when your child starts to talk.

Research shows that dyslexia can be genetic. In fact, there are a number of inherited genes that point to the development of this brain disorder. In addition, factors like birth weight and exposure to toxic substances while in the womb may also increase the risk of dyslexia.

There are also studies that suggest that both physical and emotional trauma can lead to dyslexia. This most commonly occurs when a person experiences a traumatic brain injury. However, emotional trauma in a person’s early years may also lead to various learning disorders.

Coping With Dyslexia

A dyslexia diagnosis doesn’t have to mean the end of the world. There are plenty of ways to deal with this learning disorder so your child can excel in school at their own pace.

The first thing you need to do is get a proper diagnosis. A licensed educational psychologist can help you learn more about your child’s specific type of dyslexia and what kind of tutoring they will require. They can also help you connect with professionals who can help at any stage of their education.

One option you should consider is the Barton Reading and Spelling System. This program is a multisensory program that helps children connect sounds and words. A single instructor takes on a maximum of three students and has a strong focus on spelling.

These programs aren’t only limited to in-person sessions, though. There are live tutors available online that can help you work with your child. You can also find a variety of resources online for home instruction.

Most importantly, you’ll want to coordinate with your child’s teacher at school. The last thing you want is to utilize a tutoring style that conflicts with how they’re learning in the classroom. You also want to make sure you’re reinforcing what they’re already working on.

Seek Dyslexia Treatment

The best thing you can do for a child diagnosed with dysphonetic dyslexia is to seek dyslexia treatment as soon as possible. The earlier your child learns how to handle their learning disorder, the better they’ll do later on in life. They’ll also have much better self-esteem and do better in school.

READ Learning Center offers tutoring programs for students that struggle with reading, writing, and mathematics. Our services also include a dyslexia assessment, a summer school program, and more. Reach out to learn more about how we can help your learner.